Gun Spares Repairs and Restorations

Ruger “Old Army” Black Powder Revolver

Ruger “Old Army” Black Powder Revolver

A classic revolver. Personally I struggle that Ruger has seen fit to discontinue this gun. I remember ordering one back in 1984. And here we are thirty years later making parts for this model help keeping them function.

The Ruger Old Army was, in our opinion, one of the finest percussion pistols ever made. Yes we know about the Percussion Cap issue but this was easily rectified with a percussion nipple upgrade or swapout to enable shotgun primers to be used. The pistol was available in Blued Steel or Stainless Steel. I have owned both and to a large degree it is personal preference, though I will say the stainless model goes in the dishwasher no problem!

The commonest parts requested are frame screws and we still have a small quantity left should you require any, contact us from our contact page. We are also actively looking for one as a template to make other often requested components so if you have one you are looking to sell, again, get in touch.